connex.nn.MLP (NeuralNetwork)
A standard Multi-Layer Perceptron with constant layer width.
__init__(self, input_size: int, output_size: int, width: int, depth: int, hidden_activation: Callable = <function gelu>, output_transformation: Callable = <function _identity>, dropout_p: Union[float, Mapping[Any, float]] = 0.0, use_topo_norm: bool = False, use_topo_self_attention: bool = False, use_neuron_self_attention: bool = False, use_adaptive_activations: bool = False, *, key: Optional[PRNGKey] = None)
: The number of neurons in the input layer.output_size
: The number of neurons in the output layer.width
: The number of neurons in each hidden layer.depth
: The number of hidden layers.hidden_activation
: The activation function applied element-wise to the hidden (i.e. non-input, non-output) neurons. It can itself be a trainableequinox Module
: The transformation applied group-wise to the output neurons, e.g.jax.nn.softmax
. It can itself be a trainableequinox.Module
: Dropout probability. If a singlefloat
, the same dropout probability will be applied to all hidden neurons. If aMapping[Any, float]
refers to the dropout probability of neuroni
. All neurons default to zero unless otherwise specified. Note that this allows dropout to be applied to input and output neurons as well.-
: Abool
indicating whether to apply a topological batch- version of Layer Norm,Cite
@article{ba2016layer, author={Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kriso, Geoffrey E. Hinton}, title={Layer Normalization}, year={2016}, journal={arXiv:1607.06450}, }
where the collective inputs of each topological batch are standardized (made to have mean 0 and variance 1), with learnable elementwise-affine parameters
. -use_topo_self_attention
: Abool
indicating whether to apply (single-headed) self-attention to each topological batch's collective inputs.Cite
@inproceedings{vaswani2017attention, author={Vaswani, Ashish and Shazeer, Noam and Parmar, Niki and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Jones, Llion and Gomez, Aidan N and Kaiser, {\L}ukasz and Polosukhin, Illia}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, publisher={Curran Associates, Inc.}, title={Attention is All You Need}, volume={30}, year={2017} }
: Abool
indicating whether to apply neuron-wise self-attention, where each neuron applies (single-headed) self-attention to its inputs. If both_use_neuron_self_attention
, normalization is applied before self-attention.Warning
Neuron-level self-attention will use significantly more memory than than topo-level self-attention.
: A bool indicating whether to use neuron-wise adaptive activations, where all hidden activations transform asσ(x) -> a * σ(b * x)
, wherea
are trainable scalar parameters unique to each neuron.Cite
Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery term for deep and physics-informed neural networks # noqa: E501
@article{Jagtap_2020, author={Ameya D. Jagtap, Kenji Kawaguchi, George Em Karniadakis}, title={Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery term for deep and physics-informed neural networks}, year={2020}, publisher={The Royal Society}, journal={Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}, }
: ThePRNGKey
used to initialize parameters. Optional, keyword-only argument. Defaults tojax.random.PRNGKey(0)